14 thoughts on “100 WORD CHALLENGE – What happens next?

  1. “At last Moby, we found it,” bellowed Tim with amazement. “I don’t believe it.” Right in front of their very eyes was the ancient Aztecs gold waterfall. Did you know Moby can make pots inside him out of clay. To get them open up the top door on his chest and take what you need out. “I got …the 100 pots for you,” responded Moby ( thought to be the most life like robot EVER). “Very good, now lets collect liquid gold,” replied Tim eager to get started. When out of nowhere an incredibily muscley maniac Aztect man appeared with a shiny shimering gold spear in his fearsome fist poised to strike!

  2. There right in front of their eyes …just sitting there. Glowing so bright that they sent a blinding beam of golden light strait in to the very centre of both Jamie and Mobies eyes. It was a beautiful sight, stretching as far as the eye could see; they were standing before a field full of millions of human bones, they looked as shiny as solid silver trophy’s. Despite this catastrophe happening thousands of years ago, people could still tell that these bodies weren’t normal. They were special because every 13th day (which it was) they began to glow so bright…

  3. “At last Moby ,we found it “whispered Tom.
    Appearing above the mouldy old tree stump but Moby had other ideas he wanted to go home he was going to use his super robotic powers to get out the wild jungle.Before he could Tim shouted
    Moby froze with shock.Tim told Moby to receive the trophy it shinned like a million diamonds he grasped it with his rusty metal skin
    “I have got it HURRY”
    The earth started shaking they were doomed the ground shock so violently.

  4. Dave and Moby’s Treasure
    “Wow, at last Moby, we’ve found it. I can’t believe my eyes!” Dave exclaimed as a blinding shine of gold blasted into his eyes.
    “Yes…we have! We have found the rare bird known as the Ebony!” Moby replied with an oily tear to his robotic eye.
    How could this be possible? They had been searching for a sign of life with this species for many years and had found no success but now they have found an Ebony bird! The pitch black bird flapped its wings as the sun rays peeked from behind.
    Was it true? Was it real life?
    By Will Johnson

  5. “Moby we found it I can’t believe it,” Dave yelled as Moby turned his head gradually at the gleaming sight his eyes opened as gigantic as a plate. They looked down at the sparkling dazzling crystal shining before them. “We did it!” Moby exclaimed “we finally found the magical crystal of the jungle!” As Moby reached out his hand to grab the crystal he heard a noise coming from behind him “look out!” Dave shouted as a 6ft man with brown hair and a rugged cloak swung at him. “Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeah” the man bellowed “what are you doing here annoyin brats.”…

  6. Moby said” what have we found”, “ we have found a diamond bird,” the diamond bird was as big as a small tree. The bird spoke in a different language than any different than any other bird. It spoke like a elephant and its body was shining in the blazing sun. the birds beak was as long as a mans arm. The explorer whispered” wow, this is amazing”. Moby replied” I cant see it”, “ how can you not see it its right in front of you”, the explorer exclaimed. Moby said “ I can see it now, sorry”.

    The end.

  7. As Moby gradually turned to face what was said to be one of the most stunning sights in history, he had to shade his metallic eyes because of the blazing hot sun. firstly he had to adjust himself to the light then as he peered over the lime coloured leaves of the trees he saw a gorgeous scene… there were hundreds of golden brown furry lions as far as the eye could see; lots of extremely fluorescent colourful birds fluttering in the sunset and thousands of incredible species of wild animals in every direction. “We did it!” Moby mumbled silently.

  8. They have finally found what they were looking for, a giant gold brick. The only thing that was stopping them reaching the gold was a big smelly bubbling swamp. “How can we get across this swamp “ said Zack to Moby.
    Just then they saw the monkey who had taken Moby’s hat, swinging through the trees which gave Zack an idea. “Moby, if you can lift me up I will be able to reach the vines in the trees and swing across the swamp” said Zack. So Moby lifted Zack onto his shoulders and he was able to swing across.
    BY Alex Jusypiw

  9. ‘Wow!’ Moby exclaimed. ‘The Lost Village of Jungleania! The ancient treasure map has guided us here. Hooray!’
    Through the dark green tropical leaves, Moby and Bob peered at the lost village. Broken wooden huts with leaves on the roofs stood in a circle. In the middle of the circle, there was a campfire slowly dying out. On top of the fire, was a chipped, black cooking pot.
    Moby and Bob looked at each other, wondering what to do next. Before they had decided they heard a rustling noise.
    ‘Come !’ demanded a strange looking man with paint on his face……

  10. “Wow! At last Moby. We’ve found it,” whispered Toby to Moby. “It’s too misty though. How do we get to it?” “We can use my goggles that can see through the mist.” Suggested Moby. “Good idea.” Replied Toby. So they pulled on the goggles, then they started walking again. As they went on further the ancient temple came to sight. At last they reached the temple. Despite there being torches in the temple, it was very dark inside. When they stepped in they could see the torches flickering. They now had to find the clue and then solve the clue.

  11. “At last Moby,we found it”,mumbled Jim.The pair walked towards the gold glowing light wondering what it could be. Moby and Jim both stared at each other because what they saw was actually a silver robot. Moby adored silver robots because it was the colour of the moon and for robots the moon is the most beautiful thing ever known. They both ran in the direction were the robot was. “Extermanat extermanate “, said the robot. “NOOO”,SCREAMED Moby,”its a darlic ,i thought she was a good robot ! Moby and Jim would never trust a silver robot.

  12. “At last Moby, we found it”. They slowly crept through the thick bushes and saw before them The Lost Temple Of King Bobby! Lenny and Moby heard a noise like no other a mighty roar coming from behind them, it was a lion! They ran as fast as their legs could carry them into the dark temple and hid behind a massive golden statue. They were safe… or so they thought. What they didn’t know was that a wizard named Norman The Great had put a curse on the temple 7000 years ago. That if any one stepped foot in the cave they would get a very nasty surprise ! What were they going to do?

  13. “At last Moby, we found it” Bob .They walked and walked. Until they reached the shining light. Bob is the leader so therefore he gets to were the sunglasses so Bob put the lovely pink sunglasses on to his head. Then there it was the golden cup it was what all his friends wanted just a lovely up if you get it you win over 1 million pounds. They had to do a challenge to get the golden cup so Bob and Moby got on with the challenge. Finally they had completed the challenge so they grabbed the golden cup…

  14. “At last Moby, we found it”, muttered Tim. They walked out from the tree trunk and all they could see was horrible grey clouds; with all the fog. “What we going to do now?” whispered Tim. “We can’t see.” Suddenly Moby came up with a brilliant beyond brilliant idea because he was a robot, he decided he would put his special power on! So he did! He had his x-ray goggles on consequently could see everything. Therefore he was the leader. But Tim was losing him and started worrying.
    As Tim’s eye lash fell down he wished for his life!

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